
Frequently Asked Questions

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[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_toggle title=”I followed your size chart but my SeaCure mouthpiece doesn’t seem to fit my regulator. Do I have the wrong size?”]Possibly… Our mouthpieces are made from a much stiffer material than traditional mouthpieces. This is great for the part that fits inside your mouth but can sometimes pose a challenge for the part that fits around your regulator. We keep our size chart up to date and make changes to it as soon as we get new information from regulator manufacturers. If your mouthpiece seems like it’s too small, it can help to run some warm (not hot) water over the regulator end of the mouthpiece and try working it over the opening again. The mouthpiece will stretch, it just might take a little extra effort. If you’re still having an issue getting it to fit, you can measure the opening of your regulator according to the instructions on the bottom of our size chart to confirm that you have the correct size. Or contact us and we would be happy to help.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”My SeaCure mouthpiece is on my regulator but it doesn’t cover the entire orifice. Is this something to worry about?”]Take a look at this picture. If you are seeing a gap like this, there is nothing to worry about. We see this in many regulators and rebreathers. Our mouthpieces have a groove inside that fits around the regulator flange and locks it in place. Once over the flange, it will not move further onto the regulator. This will not affect performance. As always, make sure the cable tie is cinched down nice and tight.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Why is SeaCure offset for the bite?” el_id=”1440623428010-a3fe1fb6-9152″]The lower jaw in the majority of people is behind the upper jaw (the upper front teeth overlap the lower). The SeaCure mouthpiece is offset for this situation. This is very important for comfort. Other mouthpieces, even moldable ones, do not have this offset. Without it, the diver will need to position the jaw forward and that will cause increased fatigue and can also lead to mouth irritation. For the diver whose upper jaw is behind their lower, SeaCure should be reversed for the best fit and comfort.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”What is that yellow thing?” el_id=”1440623626102-1db02512-e1e7″]It is our molding and sealing plug. It is designed to be used as a handle during the molding process. Then after the mouthpiece is on the regulator, the plug can be reversed and kept in the mouthpiece when not diving to keep debris and critters out of the regulator. The plug was improved with our X Type model. It now has a “bite limiter” which for most people eliminates the possibility of over closure during molding.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”How should I clean my SeaCure mouthpiece?” el_id=”1440623472926-14c4b3e3-6340″]The best way to clean a SeaCure is simply with a toothbrush and toothpaste. A denture cleanser can also be used, as well as a mild bleach solution, as long as it is rinsed well after.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Can I use a SeaCure if I have a smaller mouth?” el_id=”1440623503326-c9b25a18-7dcd”]Most women have smaller jaws and smaller jaw muscles than men. This becomes a big problem when those smaller muscles fatigue trying to hold a soft one-size-fits-all mouthpiece in the mouth against the pull of the regulator and hoses. A SeaCure mouthpiece is very different. It molds to fit any size mouth and can be trimmed even further to adjust for even the tiniest mouth (we have even had 8 year olds use it). Because it is rigid, the amount of leverage required to hold it in is reduced by up to 80%. This is especially important for those women who do not have large jaw muscles[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Can a person with braces use a SeaCure mouthpiece?” el_id=”1440623535411-5a50ae6d-d9ae”]Definitely. The only difference when molding the SeaCure, is to not push on the cheeks, as this would cause the material to mold into the braces and make it difficult to get out. While wearing braces, the SeaCure mouthpiece should be remolded before going diving if it has been 30 days since the last time it was molded, as the teeth would have moved.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”I have a strong gag reflex. Can I use a SeaCure mouthpiece?” el_id=”1440623550798-22593783-b5bd”]Yes, but you may have to trim the mouthpiece. Some people do have a strong gag reflex and most often this comes from the back sides of the tongue. The inside flanges on the SeaCure mouthpiece can be trimmed, even all the way off if necessary, to stop the gag reflex. And, the flanges on our X Type model have a tapered shape, which will be less likely to cause a gag problem even without being trimmed.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Will I bite through my SeaCure like I do other mouthpieces?” el_id=”1440623565110-2dcf7d01-0908″]It is very unlikely that you will bite through a SeaCure. We have divers that have used the same SeaCure for years.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”I am allergic to latex. Can I use a SeaCure mouthpiece?” el_id=”1440623586504-57fd0d18-4885″]Yes, you can use the Seacure Custom Mouthpiece. There is no latex in a SeaCure mouthpiece. Furthermore, our mouthpiece does not contain silicone. Lastly, for those people who are gluten sensitive, you will be happy to know there are no gluten thickeners or additives in our mouthpiece.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Is SeaCure remoldable?” el_id=”1440623606242-5217d2db-92af”]Yes, if you are not entirely satisfied with the initial molding or have had some dental work done that has changed your bite, you can remold your SeaCure mouthpiece. Just make sure the mouthpiece is at room temperature and then follow the original directions again.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Can your mouthpiece be used with dentures?”]Answered by our Founder, an Orthodontist:

“The question of dentures and SeaCure is a good one. The reason divers have traditionally removed their dentures is because they are easily dislodged by biting anything in the front of the mouth such as a standard dive mouthpiece. Moreover, any non-moldable mouthpiece requires constant pressure to establish a grip. The combination of constant pressure and front loading often causes sore spots under the denture or the partial denture. The beauty of the SeaCure mouthpiece is that it extends all the way to the back of the denture so that, when it’s molded, the force becomes distributed along the entire surface of the denture. This eliminates adverse loading and the tendency to dislodge the denture. Based on years of experience we recommend that the diver mold the mouthpiece with the denture/partial in place.”[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Can I use a SeaCure if I have no teeth?” el_id=”1440623453987-1a83459d-dec1″]SeaCure works best with upper and lower dentures. However, we have had divers with no teeth on the upper or lower jaws use a SeaCure successfully.  Everyone is different, so the only way to know for sure is to try it out.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]